
3 December 2020: I have added a new paper Apsidal Precession in the Two-Body Problem with Retarded Gravity - Application to the Solar System which shows that retarded gravity with the speed of light should lead to a significant retrograde precession of planetary orbits, which however does not appear to be seen in observations. This is in PDF format only.

13 July 2019: I have now added a new paper Computational Visualization of Retardation Effects on Observed Particle Distributions which was recently accepted by European Journal of Physics and which provides supporting information for the paper mentioned below. This is in PDF format only.

18 March 2018:I re-wrote/expanded my page Why the Liénard-Wiechert Retarded Potential is the Result of a Flawed Derivation such as to formally derive the retarded electric potential and field of a moving charge now in full generality under the condition of charge conservation.

13 July 2017: I added a new page Why the Liénard-Wiechert Potential is the Result of a Flawed Derivation.Itshows that velocity dependent term for the potential of a uniformly charged particle in Classical Electrodynamics is the consequence of introducing a violation of charge conservation in the potential equation for a moving charge.

30. April 2017: I added a new page A Wave Optics Approach to the Theory of the Michelson-Morley Experiment. It shows that the traditional theory for the Michelson-Morley experiment is quantitatively incorrect.

3. April 2016: I slightly re-edited and expanded my page Speed of Light Postulate and Lorentz Transformation

31. August 2015: I added a new page Speed of Light Postulate and Lorentz Transformation, which gives a strict proof that the two are logically incompatible.

7. Dec. 2014: I substantially edited my page Beyond Archimedes' Principle of Buoyancy, including now friction (drag) in the equation of motion. The results show that the usual theory does not give correct results unless for high density objects.

8. March 2014: I added a paragraph to my page Mathematical Flaws in Einstein's 'On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies', which shows that the Lorentz transformation is indeed inconsistent with Einstein's original assunption for the invariance of the speed of light.

2. October 2012: I rewrote my page Time Dilation and Twin Paradox Debunked completely to illustrate the issue by means of a different thought experiment, highlighting now the violation of causality that the 'relativity of simultaneity' implies.

27. August 2012: I have now largely rewritten the page Time Dilation and Twin Paradox Debunked using (hopefully) more convincing arguments and examples to make the point.

3. June 2012: I have added a paragraph to my page Time Dilation and Twin Paradox Debunked in order to respond to claims that my consideration would ignore the 'relativity of simultaneity' effect.

5. March 2011: I have added a new page Gravity and the Equivalence Principle of General Relativity which examines conceptual flaws with Einstein's assumption that gravity and acceleration are physically completely equivalent.

2. August 2009: I made some clarifying edits to my page regarding the Relativistic Interpretation of Magnetic Fields and Lorentz Force by reformulating the introductory paragraphs and now additionally also considering the case of a current loop (rather than a finite wire). I also made some edits to a couple of paragraphs on my page Can Hooke's Law Really be Explained by Molecular Forces?

4. July 2008: I have added the possibility to download the whole site for offline-browsing.

24. April 2008: I have added a new page The Expansion of the Universe Debunked which explains in more detail the argument given already on the Cosmology Home Page that an overall recession of galaxies would violate the mass conservation law.

15. July 2007: I have added a new page Mathematical Flaws in Einstein's 'On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies' which deals with the derivation of the Lorentz transformation in Einstein's original 1905 paper. I also re-edited somewhat the analysis of Einstein's Algebraic Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation for the sake of a more streamlined argument.

15. May 2007: I have added a new page Regarding the 'Light Sphere' Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation which shows that this contains essentially the same flaw that I treated in detail on my page Mathematical Inconsistencies in Einstein's Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation.

24. April 2007: I have largely re-written the page Speed of Light and Theory of Relativity for the sake of a more convincing argument, and I also re-edited somewhat the page Mathematical Inconsistencies in Einstein's Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation.

4. Feb. 2007: I added a new page Fourier Transformation and the Coherence of Light to the site, which shows that the Fourier theorem can not be applied to natural light (or time series of a stochastic nature in general) in the usual way.

15. Dec. 2006: I became only now aware that, due to a problem with the mail server, some emails in the last few weeks (from the beginning of November) may not have reached me. Please re-submit you message if you did not get a reply (I am presently using a different mail server, so at the moment there should not be a problem).

26. August 2006: I have completely re-written the page regarding the 'Pioneer Anomaly', suggesting now an explanation in terms of the earth's rotation (see Explanation of the Pioneer 10 and 11 Acceleration Anomaly). The issue regarding signal propagation effects in this context is now on a different page Speed of Light and Anomalous Acceleration.

10. August 2006: I added now a Sitemap to the site, which, in addition to the search facility and the index on the home page, should further improve navigation.

12. May 2006: I changed the page Classical Interpretation of EPR- Bell Test Photon Correlation Experiments substantially. The new theory is now formulated more in terms of actually observed quantities (i.e. coincidences in the photoelectron emission rates) and is also more general than the old one.

14. April 2006: I updated my page regarding the WMAP Data Analysis in view of the latest Year 3 release of the WMAP-data (which effectively confirms my argument that the published angular power spectrum suffers from systematic errors).

31. March 2006: I have simplified the page Wave and Particle Theory of Light applied to the Photoelectric Effect by moving the paragraph dealing with the case of incoherent photoionization to my site under Photoionization Theory for Coherent and Incoherent Light. It should be less confusing now for the discussion of the wave-particle issue as the point is already basically made with the coherent interaction model.

14. Dec. 2005: I have added a further Cosmology Discussion page and also modified my page regarding the Redshift of Galaxies in this context.

30. Nov. 2005: I have added a page which shows that the Relativistic Interpretation of Magnetic Fields and Lorentz Force is inconsistent with electrodynamics unless the law of charge conservation is violated.

14. Oct. 2005: After having this site online for over 5 years now, I decided I should give it a bit of a re-design. For the sake of being able to display longer text documents on smaller monitors, and also for reasons of performance, I have so far shied away from having a highly structured page layout, but I thought it would be justified now at least to add some navigation bars to each page, which should not only enhance functionality, but also give the pages a more coherent look (please note that these changes will only take effect in Javascript enabled browsers, otherwise you will still get more or less the old version; also, with Macs or with the Opera browser, the navigation bars will not be stationary on the screen but scroll with the text).
The number of pages has grown from the initial home page (which lists all topics in brief) to about 2 dozen pages (with a more in-depth treatment) now. In addition there are about a dozen discussion pages now. Since I occasionally make minor (or major) edits to the pages or add new ones, I thought also I should list the added and significantly changed pages here. To start, recently the following pages have been added or edited:
Mathematical Inconsistencies in Einstein's Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation
Classical Interpretation of EPR- Bell Test Photon Correlation Experiments
Wave and Particle Theory of Light applied to the Photoelectric Effect
Cosmology Discussions


Thomas Smid (M.Sc. Physics, Ph.D. Astronomy)
See also my sister site